Lizard Capital shares the following key principles in global development:

1. Socially responsible

We concentrate on environmental concerns and clean energy because we believe that effective developing models must give respect to the broad context of the world. Energy saving and environmental protection constitute the critical theme for our investments as we believe that portfolios built upon social responsibilities will bear ever-lasting impact on global economy and therefore be the most productive in the larger temporal and geographical framework. In additional to global context, we seek to make positive social impact to local communities, for example, create job opportunities and assist local residents in fighting against poverty.

2. Long-term development based on solid research

We advance a long-term development strategy that can be only developed from comprehensive analysis of cases with interdisciplinary nature and international scope. We base our decisions on insights produced from detailed research that are both global and local. We work with professionals of the highest order in various industries to generate the most detailed and investigative decisions for making investments and improving managements. We not only provide direct investments to energize the foremost forces of an industry; but also supply sustainable support for a long-term management strategy that ensures growth and improvement.

3. Global out-reach brings diversified perspectives into focus.

We advocate for fast-growing firms based in China and intend to help them broaden their horizons and tap global capital markets. We promote diversified perspectives in our global out-reaching program as we believe that not only diversity in investments and decision-making processes will bring productivity but also that diversity in economical model and business culture will inspire the most progressive and promising projects.

4. Value of creativity

We value the creative modes proposed by the leading companies from a wide spectrum of industries. Within our concentration, we encourage investments and supply services to support the business models that are directly driven by creative processes and mechanism, including by newer technology, innovative industrial models, or original visions.




2. 认真研究,长远规划


3. 全球视野,多元化思维


4. 注重创造力
